Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cheeses: Gjetost og Nøkkelost

So I get a text from my wife with a picture of Gjetost asking me if she should get some. It went down like this. Try not to get too excited.
Of course, I said yes and soon she was coming through the door with her find. It turned out she bought two cheeses: Gjetost and Nøkkelost. We haven't yet tried them, but we will be eating them with dinner very soon. Here are some pictures of our new cheeses to look at while we eat.

Thanks for waiting. Dinner is finished and I'm in love with both of these. I was told to eat gjetost on brown bread  and even to put jam on it. I tried it this way, but in the end, I just sliced it off and ate it straight. It is something between caramel and cheese, a very weird place to be, but I do love it. 

The nøkkelost is more like what I expect a cheese to be. Then, two herbs that I like very much, cumin and caraway, are added to make it really great. It will probably become part of a toasted cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow.

We got them here.

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